Weathering the Storm: How to Prepare for Hurricane Season

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The state of Florida is well-known for many reasons. For example, there are alligator attacks, bears in backyards, and, most importantly, the hurricane season. Residents, old and new alike, have grown quite familiar to the humid weather all year round, only to be replaced by something more dreary and wet from the first of June to the end of November.

Hurricanes tend to hit some areas more than others. Regardless of your location, it never hurts to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. That is, non-stop rain and flooding. Here are four steps to ensure your safety during Florida’s hurricane seasons.

Protect the Home

The first thing to take note of is the current state of your home. While it’s good to do so before the bad weather, checking the exterior of your home should be part of your routine since it keeps your property from aging quickly.

One of the things that need constant reinforcement is the roof of your home. It is one of the key pieces that protect your interior from the weather. Should you find that you’re facing roofing problems, like loose shingles or bad gutters, call up emergency roof repairs immediately. Plenty of companies cater to all of Florida, from Orlando to Tampa.

This method applies to other parts of the house, too, like exterior walls and basements. You’re weather-proofing your home by confirming that your house is in perfect condition.

Pack a Survival Kit

Do you plan to evacuate or stay at home? No matter your answer, it’s wise to prepare a hurricane survival kit for the family. It should contain the following items to ensure that you and your family are cared for throughout the bad weather.

  • A gallon of water per person
  • Non-perishable food items like protein bars and dried fruit
  • Flashlight and spare batteries
  • First aid kit and prescription medicine
  • Handy multipurpose tools
  • Fully charged power banks and phone cords
  • Change of clothing
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Legal documents and identification
  • Extra cash


A pro tip: prepare one survival kit for every member of the family or at least one for two individuals. A mistake commonly made by households is preparing only one for the entirety of the group. By having more than one, you’ll ensure that supplies will last longer and that everyone is accounted for even when the bad weather persists longer than expected.

Plan an Evacuation Route

There are times when the local government will request their citizens to evacuate due to how terrible the weather is expected to be. Usually, this happens when storm surges are expected, which often results in flash floods in the given locations. With or without warning, you need to find out where the nearest evacuation centers or storm shelters are straight away.

The weather may turn out to be better than what was reported, and you may never get a warning, but at least you won’t have reason to panic if it turns out differently.

Another thing to remember when planning your evacuation route: take into account your pets and how you’ll get them out if you have any. Alongside this is the proper placement of survival kits so that you can grab them on your way out.

When it comes to the weather — unpredictable and uncontrollable — it’s best to be over-prepared than under. Your family’s safety is the utmost priority, and you’ll be doing everyone a favor by considering the many options you can take to prepare for the worst-case scenarios.

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