What’s a Suitable and Ergonomic Working Environment?

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A bad back, cramped hands, and tired eyes are what some employees feel after a long day in the office. These are some unpleasant feelings associated with most jobs, whether it be sitting long hours in front of a computer, typing letters and memos all day, or lifting heavy objects and machinery. Continuous and repetitive activities like these increases risks of developing musculoskeletal disorders, affecting blood vessels, nerves, and muscles that can lead to injury and restricted work time.

Implementing proper work ergonomics can help address these issues. An ergonomic workspace means an office that can adjust to the needs of employees.

Education and Awareness

Vast job industries and duties mean different ergonomic needs. A construction worker’s safety will be different from someone staying in the office or working elsewhere.

Supervisors should be aware of how duties are properly performed, particularly repetitive tasks. A construction worker may need a forklift in lifting heavier objects while a graphic artist will need to practice proper posture and use an ergonomic mouse or keyboard to prevent hand and wrist injuries.

Good mediums of educating ergonomics to employees include providing clear policies and regulation for use of office equipment and training programs that spread awareness on the benefits of an ergonomic working environment and practice.

Workspace and Environment


Different jobs also mean a variety of workspace safety and measures to consider. Aside from educating employees, an ergonomic working environment can be practiced by maintaining proper temperatures, ventilation, appropriate lighting and fixtures, and ergonomic furniture or equipment. Productive working conditions also mean fully functioning and operational equipment, especially in building and construction work. A new office building construction, for example, will need repair services for overhead cranes, bulldozers, and other heavy machinery before proceeding with the project.

Using ergonomic equipment and providing training may be more costly at first, but allocating time and money will pay off in terms of improved employee health and productivity.

Prevention and Continued Practices

After educating and providing the necessary ergonomic equipment and practices, employees should now be able to work in a safer environment that does reduces the risk of injury and health complaints. The next logical step is to assess and evaluate the current working conditions and identify new problems that may be causing discomfort in the workplace.

Comfort can be overlooked by many employers and employees, causing a channel for possible health concerns that will cost any organization. Putting time and effort into a more comfortable workspace means reduced complaints and health issues as well as driving productivity and efficiency in any workspace, be it inside an office or dealing with heavy machinery.

Identifying problems, even the smallest details, can save any organization from future liabilities and expenses. An employee complaining of strained eyes and tired hands may lead to his future absence in the company due to eye-surgery or carpal tunnel syndrome, and that’s not good for profit and productivity.

Creating an ergonomic environment for employees means providing leeway for comfort and productivity, aspects that make reduce the discomforts of day-to-day duties and a meaningful solution for what’s best for business.

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