Effective Ways of Preparing Your Home for the Hurricane Season

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A good majority of homes in the United States will experience a myriad of weather conditions. Whether it’s scorching hot weather, temperatures that could plummet below the freezing point, or a fair amount of downpour during springtime, many homeowners will need to prepare their home. But even though some of these weather conditions are “manageable,” there are also extreme weather conditions that have caused untold damages to many homes.

In the north Pacific and the East Coast region of the United States, hurricanes are known for being one of the most devastating forces of nature. In fact, hurricanes are responsible for $125 billion dollars in damages in the United States alone. In most cases, it’s residential homes that feel the full brunt of hurricanes.

Hurricane season is fast approaching, and it’s only appropriate that we look into some ways of protecting and mitigating damage to our home from the natural elements. Normally, this will start at around May 15 in the northern Pacific region while it starts in June in the Caribbean region. In most cases, coastal tones are the most vulnerable to these strong storms. Although there are some instances where hurricanes can go inland, they’re not as strong since they slow down.

Still, one of the best ways of mitigating any form of damage from hurricanes is by preparing for it ahead of time. Here are some important things that you’ll need to do.

Create a Plan

The first thing that a homeowner should do is devise a plan that will ensure that all inhabitants are safe. Most experts would suggest writing down and labeling all the emergency contact numbers on your smartphone. Most individuals can also strategically place these numbers on areas that will get a lot of foot traffic.

If your area might get flooded when the storm hits, you’ll need to stock up on emergency rations and canned food. Any type of food that has a long shelf life is great in these types of situations. Some government organizations would also suggest having an emergency kit of supplies so that rescue teams will be able to conduct their operations more straightforward.

Safety should always be the first priority, and if things don’t go the way they should be going, you’ll need to know where the nearest emergency shelter is. Most would suggest pre-identifying shelters, especially for pets, while informing neighbors. In most cases, local animal shelters will offer aid and advice.

Gathering Supplies For Emergencies

In relation to the previous section, you’ll need essential supplies that can ensure that your family is both safe and healthy. It’s crucial to keep in mind that hurricanes will likely affect the power grid and the water supply in your area. If this is the case, you might want to consider stocking on batteries and devices that can utilize batteries. Bottled water should also be kept inside safe containers. Although food might seem important, the water supply can easily run out if not managed well.

Damage Mitigation and Assessment

Although you might have comprehensively planned and prepared your home for a hurricane, there’s still a good chance that debris, flooding, and leaks could still cause damages to your home. But there are some key practices that you can do which can effectively mitigate damages:

  1. First, it’s important to ensure that there are no furniture, vehicles, tanks, and building materials that are sitting in your yard. If possible, you can place them inside your garage or a place that’s dry.
  1. Contrary to what most people think, windows and doors should be tightly sealed. High air pressure can seep through these windows’ gaps, which could compromise your home’s atmosphere. If you think that a particular type of glass might shatter from propelled debris, you can always nail pieces of plywood on it.
  1. There’s also a chance that carbon monoxide poisoning could happen during hurricanes. You might want to consider installing a CO monitor.

It’s important to note that damages to your home can come in a variety of forms. Usually, flooding is one of the most prevalent types of damages. Not only does this significantly cut down on your home’s integrity and lifespan, but this can also cause the soil around your home to erode, which can damage the foundation even further. Fortunately, there are professional flood damage repair services that can help bring back your home into its pristine condition.


Although we can’t control the rage of nature, we should still focus on the things that we can change. During hurricane season, preventing damage and putting emphasis on safety is key in living a safe and healthy life for you and your family.

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