Herbs You Should Grow in Your Garden

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Gardening might sound difficult at first, particularly for beginners. But once you get started, you will realize how easy it is, and when your plants start growing, you get to enjoy the crops with little effort. Here are some foods you should consider growing in your garden:


These make great dishes or snacks. You can either bake or turn them into a salad. You choose! To start growing potatoes, fill the bin or pot half full of soil and compost. Wood ashes make excellent fertilizer as it contains minerals such as potassium and phosphorus.

Open the fireplace all the way and start shoveling the ashes. Then plant the potatoes in the compost. Planting too many at a time is not recommended, as potatoes require a lot of space to grow. After just a week, a bulb will emerge, cover it with compost. Repeat the process until the bin is full. Within just 10 to 20 weeks, your potatoes will be ready for harvest.

Onion and Garlic

These are one of the major spices added to dishes. By growing these in your backyard, you sure will save lots of money. Just take off the green shoots, then you can plant both as a whole in the ground or containers. After getting harvested, they can last for up to eight months.


These taste good as much as they look. If you plant strawberries today, you will enjoy refreshing smoothies and delicious jams year after year because strawberries keep producing. Place it in a pot, then water it every day. Just make sure that they do not get too saturated.

Salad Leaves

This makes a perfect side dish or snack when cravings strike! The good thing about this plant is it’s not seasonal, so you can enjoy fresh salad leaves with your sandwich often. You can grow them in the box. To add a variety, consider planting onions and radish in that same spot. Within just a month, you can see the leaves growing.

Chilies and Pepper

These are just another major spice, and you sure will save lots of money if you grow them. Plant the seeds in a pot, water every day, until they bear fruits. As simple as that!


To grow celery, cut off the edible part, then stick the root partially into a cup filled with water. To make it easier, use cocktail sticks to prevent the top from getting submerged. After just a week, a new celery head will grow. That’s an indication that you can now transfer it into a pot. Then you can enjoy fresh celery within just a few weeks.



These are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that prevents oxidative stress. Scrape the tomato seeds and plant them in a grow bag. Once they are big enough, you can transfer them into a hanging basket. Tie the vine into a wooden stake with a garden wire. Continue to water and fertilize the tomatoes. When the fruits turn red, they are ready to be picked!


This is a delicious seasoning for just about any dish. Just get an old pot, fill it with soil, then plant the seeds. Put it on the spot with plenty of sun. Wait until it grows.


The easiest way to grow rhubarbs is by putting a young plant in a large pot with high-quality soil. Yes, they need healthy soil to thrive. But once they grow, you can have an abundant supply to make delicious pies.

Why Grow Your Own Food?


When produce is transmitted from one place to another and gets stored on the shelves for a long period, they lose their nutritional value. That is why freshly harvested fruits and vegetables are healthier and more nutritious.

Active Lifestyle

Gardening involves physical movement, and you get exposed to the sun, making you healthier. According to studies, gardening reduces stress, improves cardiovascular functions, and boosts the immune system.


By growing your own crops, you need not buy from the market, allowing you to save up money. You might be surprised how much you can save as the prices of produce keep going up.


2.47 million trees are cut down worldwide every day for paper production, construction, and furniture manufacturing. By planting trees, you give back to nature since this lessens air pollution.

Indeed, gardening is a healthy and enjoyable activity. And when you get to harvest your crops, it couldn’t be more satisfying!

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