4 Health Benefits of the Sea

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People have always been drawn to bodies of water. For instance, lakes and rivers are great for fishing, water sports, and swimming. But if you truly want to restore your mind and body, there’s nothing quite like the beach and the deep blue sea. A recent study revealed that those who live near the ocean feel calmer and happier. No wonder Hawaii has consistently ranked as the most joyful state in the U.S.

The calming colors, the smell of the breeze, and the ebbing and flowing of the ocean are some reasons why people love going to the beach. That’s why more and more prospective homeowners are looking for waterfront property. What better way to reap the benefits of ocean living than to set up residence by the beach?

Here are a few more reasons why you should spend time at the beach. Let’s begin.

1. Better sleep

Anyone who has camped at the beach or stayed overnight at a seaside cottage knows that the ocean is good for sleepy. The cleaner and fresher air, cooler temperatures, and fresh breeze all contribute to improved sleep quality. Many people also find the sound of the waves relaxing. All these factors combined lower your body’s cortisol levels, clear the mind, and encourage restfulness.

2. Saltwater therapy

If you often experience aching joints and muscles, a saltwater soak can relieve some of the pain and tension. Saltwater is often used to manage wounds and treat small scrapes and cuts. The sand can also act as an exfoliant to remove dead cells from the surface from the skin. Just make sure to apply lots of sunscreen and to always reapply after a dip in the ocean.

3. Long walks

Some people go for a jog to clear the head, while others prefer a long walk. Either way, a jog or a casual stroll is always better done on the beach than in the chaos of the city. You don’t have to contend with crowds, muggers, and reckless drivers.

When walking on the beach, you can completely disconnect from the world. It’s just you and the ocean. You can do it with a friend, with your kids, or alone. If you want, you could even collect seashells or interesting rocks along the way.

4. Natural sunshine

Sunny beach


One of the most compelling reasons to go to the beach is the amount of sunshine you get. Vitamin D is vital to our overall wellness; however, one out of seven people worldwide doesn’t get enough. A straightforward way to get your daily dose of vitamin D is to have your day in the sun, literally speaking.

The sun isn’t just for glowing tans and a good time. It also gives you the vitamin D you need. Regular exposure to mild sunlight can also strengthen bones and promote healing. Just don’t forget to wear your sunscreen.

These are just four of the reasons why the ocean can be a healing place. Whether you’re struggling with stress or anxiety, a day at the beach can rejuvenate your mind and body and restore your energy. The next time you’re feeling lost or burned out, maybe what you need is a day in the sun.

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