The Pros and Cons of a Fiber Cement Siding

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Manufacturers used to put asbestos particles in the early versions of fiber cement siding. This practice was completely discontinued by the ’80s, and it was only in the ’90s that fiber cement became available for the residential building sector. Since then, it has become a very popular home siding material. However, does the popularity of fiber cement translate to being the best fit for your home? See if these criteria apply to you.

Your area is stormy or near the ocean

Fiber cement withstands a wide range of environmental conditions, including sea winds. Salty air can cause devastating damage to homes near the ocean, sooner than you think it would. By using fiber cement, you are fortifying your seaside home against the elements for several years. It even protects your property from wind and rain damage for a fraction of the price of other siding materials. If you live in the East Coast or any hurricane-prone area, a fiber cement siding is a definite benefit.

Maintenance and replacement are too much trouble

Siding maintenance and replacement cost a lot, and depending on the material, you may need to spend on them often. You won’t have this issue with a fiber cement siding.

Fiber cement requires little maintenance and lasts long, with the average non-backcoated product typically lasting up to 50 years. If you choose a backcoated version, the lifespan of your siding can stretch for up to 70 years. Most producers offer warranty coverage for at least 30 years, and some even offer up to 50 years.

Maintenance for a fiber cement siding is pretty straightforward, as well. You only have to spray it down with a low-pressure water source a couple of times a year. To clean debris, stubborn stains, and grime from the surface, just use a non-scratch sponge and soapy water. However, high water pressure might compromise the integrity of the fiber cement paint.

Durability matters a lot to you

Fragment of a luxury house with a garage door in Vancouver, Canada

Compared to other siding materials in today’s market, fiber cement siding comes with plenty of advantages in terms of durability. It does not warp in extreme heat and high moisture, unlike natural siding. You won’t have to worry about your fiber cement melting either, as you would with vinyl siding, and it is immune to degradation caused by UVA/UVB rays from the sun.

Fiber cement will save you a lot of money on siding repair. It is such a strong material that communities experiencing severe storms, such as hails and tornadoes, specify using fiber cement in their building codes.

Your home can handle heavy products

Most homes accept lighter siding materials because they don’t weight down on the joists, walls, and foundation of the structure. When you choose fiber cement siding, however, the outcome is often different.

Fiber cement adds about 300 pounds for every 100 square feet you install, which is five times heavier than vinyl. If you live in an older home, you should have the local building inspector check your property to see if it can stand fiber cement. Otherwise, you must look for lighter materials.

A fiber cement siding is an excellent investment, but you have to check with experts first if your home can accept it. Review every option first to ensure that you are providing your home with the best features.

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